Baba Cakes Delicious
The favorite dessert in Europe now, and Americans are fast bringing the idea back with them, is baba cakes. Baba cakes are glorified puddings, made with or without yeast, and served with fruit and cream. The cake should be unusually light and saturated with fruit juice or syrup before serving.
One yeast cake, 1 teaspoon sugar, 3/4 cup milk, 1 1/2 cups bread flour, 32 cup melted butter or margarine, 2 eggs. Break yeast cake into a cup, add sugar, mix and place cup In a dish of warm water. Heat milk to lukewarm and add to yeast and sugar. Sift bread flour and measure 1 1/2 cups into top of double boiler. Make a hole in the center and pour in the first mixture. Cover and let stand over warm water (100 degrees F.) for 30 minutes. Mix to a dough, add melted butter, mix thoroughly and add eggs, one at a time, beating mixture until smooth. Fill individual pans half full, cover and let rise for 45 minutes or until they double their bulk. Bake in a moderate oven or at 350 degrees F. for about 30 minutes. Then soak in lemon syrup until quite soft and serve with whipped cream. Your own cottage pudding recipe may be used if you wish.
One and one-half cups sugar, 2 cups boiling water, 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Dissolve sugar in boiling water, boil for 5 minutes or until of the consistency of thin maple syrup. Add lemon juice and pour over the cakes.
Bake baba cake mixture in greased ring mold. When baked remove to serving dish and with a spoon baste with the juice of 2 oranges mixed with a few gratings orange rind and 1/2 cup sugar until the juice is absorbed. Cover with apricot puree or quince honey and fill center with whipped cream.
Wash 1/4 pound dried apricots, soak in water to cover and cook in the same water until very soft. Add 3/4 cup sugar, stir and cook until sugar is dissolved and run through a sieve.
Bake baba cake mixture in greased ring mold. When baked cut in slices and place one slice on serving dish. Open a can of raspberries, loganberries, huckleberries, or any favorite fruit, and add , 1/2 cup sugar. Cover cake with the fruit and some of the syrup, with a second slice of the cake and more fruit, with the third slice of cake and top with fruit and whipped cream.
I'm not sure what's most baffling about this, that they use the modern spelling of "syrup" where elsewhere on the same page they use "sirop" or that they introduce baba cakes as being made with or without yeast but do not provide a recipe for a yeastless version.