Saturday, December 4, 2010

How to Cook Cranberries - 1927

How to Cook Cranberries

Most people think of cranberries in connection with Thanksgiving and Christmas, but the variety or ways in which they may be prepared now makes them popular throughout their entire season.

Here is an appetizing variety for your cranberry enterprises.

One quart cranberries, 2 cups boiling water, 2 cups sugar.

Boil the sugar and water together for five minutes; skim, add the berries and cook, without stir ring, until they are transparent., Five minutes cooking over a hot fire is usually time enough to make sauce clear. This is the so called famous 10-minute cranberry sauce.

If you prefer a strained cranberry sauce, cook the cranberries in water, then press them through a strainer, keeping back the skins. Add the sugar and finish the cooking as suggested.

You can have cranberry mold by using the following recipe:

Four cups cranberries, 1 cup water, 2 1/2 cups sugar
Cook the cranberries and water together until the berries are tender; strain; add the sugar Stir until dissolved, but do not boil; then turn into an earthen or glass mold which has been wet with cold water, set aside to become firm. Serve cold. If preferred, individual molds may be used instead of one large one.

One and one-half cups cranberries, 2 cups sugar, 21/2 cups water. Pick large firm berries and in each make three 1/2 inch slits with sharp-pointed knife. Stir sugar and water Until sugar dissolves, using saucepan large enough to allow all berries to float on surface of sirup. Bring to boiling point and boil slowly three minutes. Cool. Add berries and bring again to boiling point very slowly. As soon as sirup boils. remove from stove and let berries stand in sirup over night. Next day remove berries and bring slowly to boil. Boil slowly 3 or 4 minutes. Allow to stand 2 hours, then boil gently 5 minutes more. When cold, drain sirup off and put berries on buttered plate to dry.

Make 1 1/2 tablespoonfuls of flour into a smooth paste with two table spoonfuls of cold water. With this thicken three cupfuls of hot cranberry sauce and cook for three minutes. Add one cupful of pitted dates cut into neat slices and cool. Turn this into a pie plate lined with pastry and cover with lattice top. Bake for 35 minutes. The first 10 minutes the oven should be hot so as to bake the crust quickly. Reduce the heat after that time. Serve cold with whipped cream, dotted with bits of cranberry jelly.


One cup cranberries, 1 cup citron, 1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup water. Cut citron small and then add water to cover and cook until tender. Add cranberries and sugar and cook twenty minutes more.

Cook 3 cups of cranberries and 1 cup of raisins, in 1 1/2 cups of water for 10 minutes. Press through a sieve and then add 1 1/2 cups of sugar and 1 teaspoonful of gelatine which has been softened in 2 tablespoonfuls of cold water. Stir until the gelatine is dissolved. Freeze slowly and when it begins to congeal, whip in the stiffly beaten white of 1 egg and freeze hard. This Cranberry Sherbet is very pretty; and as you know nowadays, we taste with the eyes as well as with the palate.

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